Best Dental Candy During Halloween

Giving Some Sweet Advice About The Best Candy For Teeth During Halloween

Ok, so the title “Best Dental Candy” might be a little misleading because the best candy for your teeth is actually no candy at all. Candies are often filled with unnatural sugars and sweeteners that can cause cavities, and negatively impact a child’s dental health. With that said, it’s unrealistic to think parents will do away with candy completely, especially in one of the largest candy based holidays of the entire year. It’s also unrealistic to think that children will not want candy just because they know it’s bad for them. Therefore, Drs. Brien Hill & Tamara Schneidmiller wanted to give families a little bit of advice, and let parents know that while candy can be bad, there are varying degrees from bad to worse, and that certain candies should be avoided at all costs.

So What is the Best Candy to Give Out on Halloween?

That is a fantastic question! And before we answer with a recommendation of good candy, here are some of the ones that should be avoided. 

Hard Candies:

Hard candies like lollipops, jawbreakers, and hard fruit chews like Jolly Ranchers, are never a good choice. Because they take a while to dissolve in the mouth, they amount of plaque they can create on teeth increases with the amount of time that the candy is spent in the mouth. Furthermore, even though they should be sucked on until dissolved, we realize that most children are more likely to bite into them than waiting, which can cause the child to possibly chip a tooth. 

Sticky Candies:

Just as bad as hard candies are sticky candies. Sticky candies like caramels, taffies, and other fruit chew types of candy can, much like the name implies, stick to teeth. This increases their exposure on a child’s tooth, and can cause a higher buildup of cavity causing plaque.

The Good Candies:

So now that we know to avoid hard and sticky candies, what does that leave us? Well, by and large many dentists agree that soft chocolates are the best form of candy to serve during Halloween from a dental perspective. Candies like peanut butter cups and chocolate bars fill both requirements above in that, 1) they do not spend a lot of time dissolving in the mouth (which decreases the interaction time with teeth), and 2) the do not stick to teeth (which also decreases the interaction time with teeth). These candies are the best of both worlds, and still super sweet to boot. You won’t have to be labeled the weird house that gives out floss and apples this year!

Candy Consumptions Moderation is the Key

Lastly, please remember that the most important thing when eating candy, whether you are a child or an adult, is moderation. Please limit the amount of chocolates you give yourself or your child to one per day, and continue to maintain good oral habits like brushing and flossing. Also, you can help to limit the exposure time of candy after eating by drinking ample amounts of water. With these tips and tricks, you are ready for Halloween!

Contact Us With Your Candy Questions

If there’s a candy you would like the dental breakdown of so you can determine if it’s safe for your child, feel free to contact us today. We’ll be sure to point you in the right direction and send you off with the confidence in the knowledge of what you now know about candy in relation to one’s dental health. We hope to hear from you soon!

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