Thank goodness for Thanksgiving!

 in all shapes and sizes. From pecan pie to breaking the wishbone to getting together with those wacky yet lovable relatives, traditions vary from family to family, and that includes the families of our practice’s team members!


Unusual Thanksgiving Traditions

Dr S remembers every Thanksgiving meal she can think of consists of as many family members as possible all around one table, passing food bowls and platters around for at least 20 minutes.  Then grace is said and everyone begins to eat their lukewarm but yummy food.  Maybe five minutes into the meal, Dad always asks for more gravy!!
Eva says she’ll never forget 2 years ago when the whole family met at her house and they’d placed a big firepit in the yard.  The idea was that everyone would hang out and enjoy the warmth, but they ended up nearly blowing up the backyard!!

Favorite Thanksgiving Memories

Celeste says her very favorite memories around Thanksgiving include her wonderful Grandmother and sister.  They spent many hours the day before the holiday making pies, then turkeys.  Then all the food was donated to the veterans at the VFW in Lemon Grove.

One of the funniest moments in the childhood of Dr S was an unusual Thanksgiving when the hostess, the beloved Auntie Gladys, accidentally put the pickles in the oven and the turkey in the pantry!!  Everyone arrived with their side dishes and the men promptly drove out to KFC for the main dish!

Dr Hill says hands down, his all time favorite memory is of the lovable Uncle Cornish who always hollered ‘ouch!’ with the first carve into the bird!

Staying Mouth-Healthy During Thanksgiving

Enjoying traditions is one part of what makes Thanksgiving wonderful, but staying on top of our oral health is another!  It’s so much fun to snack all weekend on leftovers, but please don’t forget to brush, floss and rinse, plus if it’s been a while since your last dental exam, we’d love to see you!

Tell Us About Your Favorite Thanksgiving Traditions!

Now that we’ve shared some of our favorite traditions and memories, we want to hear how your family celebrates Thanksgiving! Share a comment below or on Facebook to let us know about your unique traditions.

Our patients are what we’re most thankful for this year and every year!

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