Could Your Dental Health Be Affecting Your Mental Health?

Your browser does not support the video tag. When we think of dental health, we certainly think of smiling. Some of us might even believe this is the only connection dental health might have with mental health. After all, a smile can be an indicator of happiness, confidence, and a stronger sense of internal locus…

Could Better Oral Hygiene Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

Your browser does not support the video tag. We all know that brushing and flossing your teeth is essential for a number of reasons—especially in preventing bigger issues, like gum disease. But how crucial is gum disease prevention anyway? According to some 2019 studies, your oral health could play a factor in your risk of…

Mask Mouth


For those of us who are either healthcare workers, caretakers for at-risk persons, or simply socially responsible, the reality of “mask mouth” has arrived! Most of us in healthcare noticed it first:  we are accustomed to wearing a level 2 or 3 mask, or even respirator every day at work.  With additional usage, we are…

2020 Is Not a Perfect Vision

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  Who knew a 0.12 micron sized virus would play such an enormous role in our lives this year? Can’t see it, can’t taste it or smell it.  In fact, when infected by it, there is a loss of taste and smell!  But it is impacting our daily routine in addition to the normal wear…

Dental Mythbusters


Drs Hill and Schneidmiller hear some interesting faux facts from time to time…   Ever hear of putting an aspirin on the gumline of a tooth that hurts? The idea is that the pain on the tooth subsides as the aspirin eventually dissolves.  Drs Hill and Schneidmiller find that the actual result is quite different! …

The “New Normal”

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Welcome to the “NEW NORMAL”!   As the doctors prepare to reopen their office following the introduction of Covid-19 to all our lives, you will find a few changes!  Fortunately, most differences are a matter of logistics to continue to comply with social distancing as much as can be done in the dental arena.  The…

Vaping the Virus


Why vaping is particularly harmful during the coronavirus era for the ‘vaper’ and the community around them.

Charcoal Toothpaste: miracle product?


Charcoal in your toothpaste!‘Activated Charcoal’ is the ingredient in a new breed of toothpastes advertised to whiten your teeth. It is an abrasive similar to baking soda, silica or pumice. It may remove surface stains just as well as other abrasives. Be wary of claims that charcoal will strengthen enamel!  Other ingredients within the toothpaste…

Dental Kidspeak

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In healthcare lingo, dentistry exists as a specialty to assist people in the prevention and treatment for dental disease.  The main causative agent dental disease is bacterial; an invisible and silent enemy for the most part.  Most of us are aware that left untreated, these bacteria eventually lead to quite painful and always inconvenient sequelae.…

Holiday Songs

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The doctors love holiday songs playing at the office and sometimes are guilty of humming or breaking into vocals!!! Our awesome team is just as guilty of joining in with the favorites when they play. Celeste waits for Frosty the Snowman and Eva loves Silent Night. Natalia likes Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer best at…